Weekly Update

 In Family & Consumer Science, Life Connections

This week we are in the midst of our “Fake News -v- Real News” unit. This upcoming week, students will be given a subject and position which they must defend as well as, convince their audience/peers that not only the information presented is correct but more so the information presented is true and accurate. After the presentation, the class will decide whether the presentation was “real or fake”.
The next steps after the presentations is to allow our students to read various articles and research the content to determine whether it is real or fake and disclose “why” they believe so. Thus, allow us to understand how rumors, news, and social media can be influential in our decision making; however, provide tools to our students so they are able to discredit the information based on their own knowledge and research.

If you need any assistance or have any questions about how you can support us and your student further, please feel free to contact me at eramos@santancharterschool.com

Thank you,
Mr. Ramos, M.Ed.