Family and Consumer Science Weekly Update

 In Family & Consumer Science

Hello Roadrunners,

This week we finished up our unit on Diversity at the Table. The students were able to gain information about the foods we eat, traditions we/they have within their own household, and understand how our experiences help us infuse cuisines. All this allows us to not only understand our personal customs and cuisines but more so, appreciate our own customs and cuisines, as it is the foundation of who we are. In addition, it helps open the ideas of other customs and traditions which allow us to be more apt to appreciate our neighbors.

Next week, we will start the day with a quick quiz which will demonstrate their knowledge of the content, and then go into a chili practicum, which will cement and end our Diversity at the Table unit. This will segway into our next unit on Ecosystems.

I try to post our activities as much as possible on our schools/district Facebook page with photos and videos. So if you haven’t done so already, please follow us on Facebook.

Lastly, as usual, we are very appreciative of the massive support that is always demonstrated by our San Tan community, and we are always accepting and appreciative of any donations the community provides.